Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ALL ABOARD!!--Who Wants To Ride The Coupon Train!?!

I've had a few requests come in, so I will be starting a coupon train at the end of the month, and any and all SBLB readers are welcome to join in the fun!

What is a coupon train?
A coupon train is great way to trade coupons! It starts with an envelope of 50 coupons, which is mailed to the first person on the list. That person may remove any coupons they would like, but must replace them with others before mailing to the next person on the list. This continues until it comes full circle back to the person who started it!

*The envelope must ALWAYS be kept at 50 coupons!
*Once received, you must mail it to the next person within 3 days to keep it moving (and avoid coupons expiring).
*Coupons placed in the envelope must have an expiry date no earlier than one month from mailing.
*Please do us all a kindness and replace any coupons you notice have expired en route:)
*Please no printables or orders from websites (ie brandsaver.ca, websaver.ca, etc). Try your best to keep it to ones we dont all have easy access too (ie tear pads, newspaper inserts, cut out from product packaging, etc)

If you would like to get in on the fun, click the CONTACT button and send me your name and mailing address, or let me know you're interested on the SBLB Facebook page. I will build up the list to make sense in order of location so we're not mailing back and forth accross the country!

I'm super excited for this, I think it'll be alot of fun:) Feel free to let friends, relatives, and neighbours know too...if you know the person who is next on the list, its alot easier than mailing! Anyone can sign up, so lets make it a nice LONG one!


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