Sunday, January 15, 2012

Preparing for Parenthood--PART TWO

The next step you should look at when planning for your little ones arrival is make some decisions and preparations to keep their tummy full! Remember, planning ahead and stocking what you'll need early is the best way to save. By doing this, you can purchase what you need when its at the rock bottom price instead of having to buy it as needed at regular price later!

First, decide if you will be breastfeeding, or if you will start with formula from day one. While studies have shown that it is more nutritional, easier to digest, and assists in the shrinking of mommy's tummy after birth, some people prefer to use formula. Whatever you decide, you will still want to have some formula handy for those feedings you are just way too tired to do! Taking a break once in awhile is also a great chance for Daddy to have some bonding time with baby:)
Powdered formula has a slightly longer expiration than concentrate (liquid), so this is a good one to stock up on if you're an early planner. Powder is also $15-$20 cheaper than liquid for the same quantities.
At first, when your little one is feeding every 2 hours or so, you will go through about 2 cans of powder/2 cases of liquid formula each week if you are not breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding and using formula for only one feeding a day to give you a break, you will only need a can/case for about a 3 week period (once opened, you do not want to use powdered formula any longer than 3 weeks).
If you are planning on only using formula, I would prepare for the first month only, so about 8 cans/cases. Each baby is different, and the reason I wouldnt plan for any longer is as you get to know your baby, you may discover that you want to switch the formula they are on for a variety of reasons. Our little one was very fussy, even when I was nursing, and it turned out she was lactose intolerant. So we had to get formula to cater to that need. If we had planned any longer than one month, that additional formula would have gone to waste since she couldnt have it.
Formula coupons can be found typically for about $5.00 values. Sign up for formula company programs like Similac Club or Enfamil, and you will receive higher value ones from time to time. Using a $5.00 coupon, an after coupon stock up price for a can of powdered formula would range between $10-$15 (depending on brand) and $25-30 for a case of liquid.
When stockpiling these, make sure you are checking the expiry dates in store to ensure they will last as long as you need them to.

Baby Food--
As your baby grows, you will have the opportunity to share new foods with them! This is alot of fun! Another decision you will want to make is whether you will purchase jarred food, or will prepare your own. Obviously store bought comes with convenience, but homemade means you know 100% off what went into it. Whatever you decide, make sure you plan to stick with it! It can be very tricky trying to switch a homemade food baby to jarred food, and vice versa!
If you are purchasing jars, a stockpiling price will be between $0.40-$0.50/jar. Plan for the first 2 months of solid eating (usually starting between month 3-4). The first month you will probably go through about 1 jar/day, then 2 in the second. So plan to purchase around 100 jars if you would like to fully prepare for the first 2 months of solids.
When purchasing, make sure you stick to one fruit or vegetable at a time, no combinations just yet. This way, as you add new types of foods you can watch your babys reactions, and if they turn out to have an allergy, you know exactly what it is to.
If you decide that homemade will be the route you take, the best plans you can make is to be prepared with the items you will need to create with. These will include a blender, a pot, and storage (both for fresh and frozen). They dont need to be anything fancy as long as they're functional. You can also get sets that will contain everything you need, like the "Baby Bullet", but its not necessary to do so. You can find great deals on blenders on Kijiji, and you can use Ziploc bags for freezing (get these for around $0.50-$1.00 per box using coupons, and they can be washed and re-used).
You wont want to store refrigerated fresh food for any longer than 5-7 days, and frozen no longer than 45 days (6 weeks), so your first batch of food will actually be made during your child's second month. Again, dont get too creative just yet with flavors, one at a time so you can monitor baby's reaction. Great starters are banana, apple, pear, sweet potatoe, and peas.
Making your child's food as opposed to buying jarred can save you a TON of money (check out my shopping trip I did preparing for 3 months of baby food!) but can be time consuming to do, so be aware of the committment.

This will be your child's first solid! Keep it very simple, either rice or oats. Let them get used to the texture and using their tongue before adding flavors. Its very rare to find coupons for baby cereal, signing up for baby programs is the best way to recieve them by mail. Expiry dates are not as long as jarred food or formula for cereal, so dont make your purchases until around your 6-7 month of pregnancy.
A good stockpiling sale price for cereal is $2.00/box, $1.00 if you can get your hands on some coupons:)
If you prepare for the first 2 months of your baby eating solids, you will want to get about 4 boxes.

TOTAL COST (Formula Only)=$80 for powder or $200 for liquid (preparing for 1 month)
REGULAR COST (Formula Only)=$200 for powder or $320 for liquid (SAVED $120!)

TOTAL COST (Formula while breastfed)=$10 for powder or $25 for liquid (preparing for 1 month)
REGULAR COST (Formula while breastfed)=$20 for powder or $40 for liquid (SAVED $10-$15!)

TOTAL COST (Jarred Baby Food)=$40 (preparing for 2 months)
REGULAR COST (Jarred Baby Food)=$90 (SAVED $50!)

TOTAL COST (Cereal)=$8 (preparing for 2 months)
REGULAR COST (Cereal)=$16 (SAVED $8!)

I hope that you found this helpful and informative and that it will assist you in your plans for your little one! If you have any questions or suggestions, simply click the CONTACT button on the left of your screen!

Next topic covered will be PART THREE--Baby Furniture! So stay tuned!

Planning for Parenthood--Introduction
PART ONE--Diapers and Wipes
PART THREE--Baby Furniture

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