Sunday, June 3, 2012

How To See Our Posts on Facebook!

As most people are well aware, Facebook has been making many changes over the last little while. With any changes can always come results that are "less than desirable", such as posts not showing in your newsfeed!

Facebook has said that you will receive posts from pages you are active on, but I continue to receive messages from very active members of our saving community that are not receiving posts from Save Big, Live Better!

If you create an "Interest List" for your favorite pages, you will see all their posts on this list! This is also a great way to group together all of your coupon/saving/company pages without them getting mixed in with regular updates, so you dont miss anything!

Simply go to Save Big, Live Better on Facebook, and click the wrench icon, then select "Add to Interest Lists...", then follow the instructions! I hope this helps some of you who are having issues with missing our posts, and if you have any feedback please let me know!