Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How To Get Multiples Of Coupons

A common question I receive when I post my shops is how do I get multiple copies of grocery coupons from online?

Most online coupon companies (such as Websaver and limit you to one account per household, so you need to do a little extra work if you want more than one of a certain coupon!

Here's a few methods that I use to get multiples of coupons our family uses...

Ask Friends & Family for help!--If you are looking for a coupon your friends or family wont be using, ask them to order it anyway so you can use it! Friends and family can also be a great resource for coupons from newspaper inserts as well! It never hurts to ask!

Trade Coupons!--Trading with other couponers is a great way to get to know your saving community! This method not only gets you the coupons you are looking for, but you get to help someone with coupons that they are looking for at the same time!
Check out the SBLB Coupon Trading Forum to see whats up for grabs!

Track Your Online Coupon Orders--When you order free coupons online from websites like Websaver and, there is typically a time that must elapse before you can order again. This will be listed at the bottom of each coupons picture. If you keep track of these dates you can go back and re-order coupons you want more of once the time has passed!