Friday, December 2, 2011

ON AIR with Kaley Davies

I'm always trying to find new ways to save, and working on evolving and growing my coupon/savings knowledge. I find its helpful to get in touch with others with the same passion and desire to learn.
So, I'm starting a NEW addition to Save Big, Live Better! called ON AIR! These installments will be postings of interviews with other savers/couponers with valuable info for us all!
I had super interview session with Kaley from, and asked her a few questions about how she got started, and how couponing has changed her life.

What got you interested in couponing initially?
I actually checked out a forum out about 2 years ago but found it very confusing so, I would pop on every now and then to check it out but found it intimidating. It took me several months of researching and finding a lot of different sites to learn and follow. I then started trying things out here and there and after my first couponing trip I was addicted! The economy was also a BIG factor anybody deserves to save their hard earned money , right? And with the economy the way it has been many have resorted to maximizing their savings any way they can to feel secure for the future (including me). Couponing is so much easier now .With sites like and Save Big, Live Better! where everything is in one place, the savings are phenomonal! I will NEVER go back to paying retail again!

What inspired you to take your couponing online?
Well, I started blogging in 2010 and had so many ideas I wasn’t sure where it was going to take me. I knew I wanted to write about my MANY passions and couponing was one of them so naturally, I wanted to share the savings with all of my family and friends. I was actually sending out an email I had compiled as a starter email to help those closest to me get started but they wanted more and on a daily basis. Basically, it’s a place where everyone can stay up to date and maximize their savings all in ONE place. Helping others learn without them having to go through the work I did also grew into a quick passion of mine.

What kind of factors do you look at when adding to your stockpile?
3. Sales –Items tend to go on sale every 3-6 months (depending on the product) if you start to pay attention to what your family uses in that amount of time you can figure out what you need to buy to last you that amount of time. And what is sufficient for YOUR family.
4. Expiry dates-Will it be used before it expires ?
5.Price- Is this a good price with a sale and coupons to maximize my savings?
6. Is it something we will use ?
Can you share some tips on how you keep your stockpile organized?
What we do is keep track of what we have on hand (an inventory) this is not for everyone! The reason for this is couponing has allowed us to make many donations and therefore we have to keep track of what we have on hand and go through monthly to see what we will and will not use and what can be donated. When I add to my stockpile I move everything new to the back and the rest to the front checking expiry dates as we go. I keep a seperate donation pile, paper goods together, cannned goods together, toiletries together etc. It’s great to know what you have on hand so, you are also not buying things you don’t need to buy even if it is a great deal UNLESS you are donating it. Everyone has a specific amount of storage allotted to them and if you don’t have room don’t buy it just because. Stock accordingly!

How has your family taken to your couponing?
They LOVE IT! They all check out my site daily, and so do my friends like I said before EVERYONE deserves to save their hard earned money. And they love the savings they are seeing in their pockets. They also love to come shopping in my! I have also been able to help family and friends by donating to their causes while using sales and coupons and also in other areas as well. It is feels really good to help others save money to live a better quality of life.

What would you say would be your number one piece of advice for a new couponer?
I would say there are TWO major pieces of advice :
1. Take your time/GO SLOW –Don’t expect to save tons right off the bat. Your just learning ..take baby steps. Try something little then go from there. I am still and always will be learning. No one will know everything and let’s learn from eachother. think of it as a community ask questions, share and realize you will make mistakes! Make a list/plan and organize your coupons beforehand.
2.Maximize your savings –I think this is HUGE because even after I start teaching someone to coupon they want to rush out and use their coupons right away with no sale. Save your coupons be patient if you need a product and HAVE to buy it try to do it wisely until you are able to match your coupon WITH a sale. For example if you buy a product @ $4.39 with a save $1.00 coupon and pay $3.39 that’s good (a dollar is a dollar, right?) BUT, if you bought that same product on sale @$2.39 miuns a $1 coupon that’s a savings of $3.00 . This is one example of maximizing your savings and can actually help you snag some items for FREE or close to FREE.
Any other savings tactics you'd like to share with us?
I could go on forever but here are some of my 10 favs:
1. I am HUGE into homemade and handmade items and buying local this can help you save in many ways whether it be for gifts, produce or everyday life.
2.Plan your shopping trips and make meal plans and stick to it!
3.Borrow movies and books from the library or buy used.
4.Size doesn’t always matter when buying products check the size and pricing even if it’s smaller or bigger it can make a the math you may be surprised.
5.Shopping online now can also save you tons alot of companies offer FREE shipping and great sales try comparing sometime and you will also save in gas etc.
6.Look for warehouse sales (any sales)
7.Reduce energy consumption in any way and encourage your family to do the same!
8.Shop produce in-season and meats while greatly discounted and freeze them when possible.
9. Buy in bulk when appropriate and
10. Phew! Avoid eating and drinking out!
Thanks so much Kaley! Some really great info there for experienced couponers, as well as those who are just starting...or maybe thinking about starting:)
Remember, the best way to learn is to ask questions! If you have any questions of your own, feel free to post them on our Facebook page for other readers to answer, or click the CONTACT button and ask me directly. I'd love to hear from you!
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