Monday, January 9, 2012

Preparing for Parenthood--PART ONE

PART ONE--Diapers

This is something that can get very expensive, very quickly, if you're not prepared. First, you need to decide if you will be using disposable diapers, or cloth. While disposable diapers are much more convenient, cloth diapers are much more cost effective. It really just depends on what you prefer.

If you choose to go with cloth, be aware that the cost you sustain for these will be substantial at the start, but then very minimal as time goes on. To start you will probably be looking at around $250-$300, but keep in mind, at regular price that's what most people pay for diapers for only about 3 months!
A great site I found for these if you'd like to have a look and do a little research on them is They have lots of options, and the prices are very reasonable.
In preparation for this, if $250 is alot for you to put out all at once, save for it at a steady pace with small contributions to make it easier on your wallet (for example $10 each week for 6 months).

This is the route most take as it is more convenient, but remember, with convenience comes a cost! Planning ahead is a great way to minimize this financial burden, and help avoid the situation of running out at a bad time!
I would recommend starting by signing up for baby programs that will provide you with additional coupons ASAP! The two I would suggest as the best for diapers would be Pampers, and the v.i.b. program at Shoppers Drug Mart. Be sure to also tell your friends and family you are on the hunt for diaper coupons so they can save them for you when they turn up!
Newborn diapers will fit up to 10 lbs, so based on an average baby size, I would only suggest purchasing one "mega" pack (will say "mega" on the pack) of these. The Size 1 diapers cover you from 8-14 lbs, which will be approximately until 3-4 months. So, do the math of an average 10 diapers per day, and you will know how many you need.
A "mega" pack of diapers should never cost you more than $10, ideally more around $6/pack. The trick is to look for clearance sales and combine it with a coupon. If you do this ahead of time, you have the freedom of waiting for those AMAZING sales, and will save the most. If you use an average of one "mega" pack per week, your first 3 months of diapers should cost you in and around $75:)
Personally, the next time around, I will be planning for 6 months worth of diapers before baby makes its appearance. I would recommend this for anyone who will be taking an income decrease on Maternity Leave.

Bottom can never have too many wipes! They are one size, and you will use them for EVERYTHING! The same principles apply here, wait for the prime sales and combine them with coupons. So again, ask your friends, relatives and neighbours to save the baby coupons from their weekend paper for you!
The stock up price for wipes will be around $1.00 for a tub (usually holds between 65-75 wipes). You will get them at this price by shopping them on sale for $2.00, and combining it with a $1.00 off coupon. These coupons are typically in rotation from a variety of sources, such as newspaper inserts and online coupon sites.
I would get this for the same timeline as diapers. So if I am getting 6 months worth, at a tub per week, its about $25.

Total Cost (Cloth diapers and wipes)--Approximately $325 (preparing for 6 months)
Regular Cost (Cloth diapers and wipes)--Approximately $400 (saved $75)

Total Cost (Disposable diapers and wipes)--Approximately $170 (preparing for 6 months)
Regular Cost (Disposable diapers and wipes)--Approximately $425 (saved $255)

I hope you found this helpful, and that it will assist in your planning/shopping for your little one! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Simply click the CONTACT button on the left!

Next topic covered will be PART TWO--Formula/Baby stay tuned!

You may also want to visit...
Planning for Parenthood--Introduction
PART THREE--Baby Furniture


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