Monday, May 28, 2012

ULTIMATE HUNT! (May 28-June 1)

Here it is folks! The most difficult hunt ever...but with the best prizes!!

This picture is hiding somewhere on, and you have to find it to win! It will not be in plain sight, you will need to click a hidden link to reveal its hiding place!

The first 3 people to find it will each receive $100 in coupons, and the next 10 people will receive $25 in coupons! PLUS, EVERY person that finds it by 12pm EST Friday, June 1, will receive an additional entry into EVERY giveaway in our upcoming 4000 Fan Giveaway week (including Jewelry, Gift Cards, Body Wraps, and more!)

Since this is an ULTIMATE HUNT, and will last an entire week, it's very well hidden!

HINT#1--You will not need to go back through posts and pages beyond the last 30 days! I dont want you all going crazy!

HINT#2--It is a very well hidden link! So move slowly and look for anything that makes your mouse turn into a pointer! It could be words, it could be a picture, who knows?! ;)

HINT#3--I will post a link to where it is at least once per day on Facebook!

That's all the help you get!