Saturday, October 20, 2012

Planning for Freezer Cooking Day!

After the post I shared last month 50 Freezer Meals in One Day, I decided that it was the greatest idea I'd heard in awhile, and once I go there...there's no turning back!

So I began hunting down recipes, looking at what I had in my stockpile to use, and writing my lists for what I would still need to purchase! 

I will be tackling this challenge October 27, and have been picking up things here and there based on grocery sales for the last month in order to make sure I have everything on hand, while still being able to buy at the lowest price possible!

What's on the menu?...

*20 Whole Wheat Pizzas
*10 Lasagnas
*10 Chicken Pot Pies
*50 Breakfast Burritos
*10 Meatloaf
*16 Salmon Cakes
*20 Hamburger patties
*16 servings of Chicken-Rice soup

The goal is to have my family's meals ready to go for the rest of the year! This will not only save me a ton of time each day, but will reduce our grocery expenses to fresh items like milk, fruit and veggies for 8 whole weeks!

Stay tuned for more info, including pics, recipes, and cost per meal info...if I survive an entire day of cooking!