How To Use Coupons

Despite popular belief, there is much more to couponing than simply redeeming coupons in store. In order to fully benefit from using coupons and FEEL the savings in your day to day life, there's a bit of planning involved, and strategy as well.
This doesn't mean it needs to be difficult though! That's why I started Save Big, Live Better!, to take the work out of saving for EVERYONE! Have fun with it:)
Have at look at the following topics to help you get started!

Combining Your Coupon With A Sale
Trading Coupons
Earning Overage From Your Coupons
Understanding Your Coupons Stipulations
Extending A Sale Up To 30 Days
Coupon Fairying
Stay Up To Date
Couponing Etiquette

Combining Your Coupon With A Sale
This is the main way to maximize your savings! If you just use a $1.00 coupon on a $3.00 item, then you've only saved a dollar. Don't get me wrong, good for you for saving the dollar, but if you use a $1.00 coupon on a $3.00 item that's on sale for $1.50, then you've saved $2.50! Sometimes you can even find the real rock bottom prices which will land you items for FREE!

As exciting as it can be to start saving money when you start couponing, dont go out and use every coupon you find right away! Typically, the tear pads in stores are in front of regular price products. If you take a few coupons from the pad and wait a couple of weeks, the item will go on sale. THEN you can use the coupon to get the price down even LOWER and truly maximize your savings!

The Weekly Matchups page will always tell you which coupons to use with which sales each week. But taking it one step further, the GREAT DEALS ARE IN RED and the FREE STUFF IS IN BLUE for you to easily spot!
Looking for these hints is crucial to help you learn what is really a GREAT deal, and what is a price that, if you dont need the item, you should wait on.

Check out the Weekly Matchups Getting Started page to learn what they are, and how to read/use them!

Trading Coupons
This is a great way to get multiples of coupons you need, and to help out fellow couponers in the process! You can trade coupons you wont use for ones you will, and this also eliminates wasting coupons.
Trading is a big reason why you always want to grab a coupon, even if its for something your family doesn't use, because you may be able to trade if for one your family WILL use down the road.
Register for free at the SBLB Coupon Trading Forum to look through peoples postings to see whats up for grabs, as well as post what you are looking for!

Earning Overage From Your Coupons
Everyone sees it happen time and time again on TLC's Extreme Couponing, and thinks its not possible in Canada....YOURE WRONG!! :P
Overage, for those that don't know, is when you get money or credit back for the difference when your coupon value is higher than that of the item you are purchasing.

Not all stores will allow this, so check your store's Coupon Policy for details. Right now in Canada, Walmart will credit you the difference to either use on the remainder of your purchase, or will give you a gift card for the amount of the overage. Giant Tiger and Zellers will allow the overage to be used on the remainder of your purchase, but will not credit you anything if your total is still a negative, so use it!

A tip on getting overage--look for trial/travel sizes! Provided the coupon doesnt specify you cannot apply it to trial size, this is a great opportunity for overage!

Overgae is another major reason why you should never not take a coupon when given the opportunity! You may not use the product, but it could eventually offer you the chance to earn overage which could pay for things you DO need. If you dont use the item and have purchased it specifically for the overage, remember to not let it go to waste and donate it where it can be put to use!

How do you know when overage is available? Check Save Big, Live Better! for "overage alerts" that will be posted as soon as I know of them!

Don't forget to click the CONTACT button if you find any of these great deals so we can all benefit! Thanks in advance:)

Understanding Your Coupons Stipulations
It is a cruicial part of your planning time ensuring that the coupon you plan to use is, well, useable! Just because a Pantene product is on sale, doesn't necessarily mean that your coupon applies.

Things to look out for:
*Specified products in the product line you can use it for (ie Pantene Volumizing Conditioner
*Specified sizes (some will exclude trial sizes, or say 355mL and larger, or something along those
*Expiry dates! (this comes with keeping organized. There's nothing worse than getting excited about a
  sale you have a coupon for just to find it expired a week ago!)
*Ensure if you plan to get multiples that it doesnt stipulate "one per person/customer".

I check all the coupons in detail when posting the Weekly Matchups, so to save you some time if you are going after a sale I posted...the coupon applies!

For more tips on understanding the terminology/restrictions on your coupons, see the Glossary of  Couponing Terms.

Extending A Sale Up To 30 Days
So what happens if you get to a store in the hopes of getting an amazing "deal of the century" sort of deal, only to find they are already sold out? Well, this will happen, but have no fear! You have two options here.

First, price match! If this was an advertised sale, then you can take a flyer to a store that price matches (check your stores policies on this) and they will give you that same item at the competitor's price!

If it was an unadvertised sale, or you dont have a store that price matches available to you, then ask for a rain check. Not all stores provide rainchecks, but most will give you one on an advertised sale.

A rain check basically extends the sale price for you (usually for about 30 days) so that you can get the same deal when the store gets more inventory in. If the store limits your quantities you can get a rain check on and it is less than what you need, get a friend or family member to get a rain check also!

You cannot redeem these rain checks in the same transaction, so either go on separate days with each, or bring a shopping buddy to purchase the second rain check's items when they are available!

Coupon Fairying
This is an awesome way to clear out expiring coupons you will not use and do a good deed at the same time!
Coupon fairying is when you place a coupon with the applicable product in a store for someone to find and use. This is not only a great way to spread the savings for others to share, but introduces non-couponers to the idea and potential of what they COULD be saving!
Plus, it makes you feel good knowing you helped someone else!

RAOK kind of plays in here too, so I will elaborate! ROAK stands for Random Act Of Kindness. When you build a larger collection of coupons and have some to spare, share the love! I make a habit of always looking at what the person behind me is purchasing and giving them a coupon.

I usually have at least one coupon that applies to something they're buying that day! Plus, as an added bonus, if you have a larger transaction or alot of coupons that can be slightly time consuming to process, they are less likely to get impatient with you if you saved them some money...Just saying!

Stay Up To Date
Checking the Weekly Matchups each week when the new flyers start (most start on Fridays, but the matchups are posted as the flyers become available to me, usually starting Tuesday, and completed by Thursday) is a major part in your planning. But it is very important to check in to Save Big, Live Better! on a regular basis as sales are spotted in store that are not in the flyer, or if a great deal is coming up so you have enough time to get your hands on the right coupons!

SBLB is updated several times a day to get you the best deals and most up to date information for your saving needs. "LIKE" Save Big, Live Better! on Facebook and you'll receive real-time updates on all the great offers we post!

You can also subscribe to our daily email to receive one email each day with all the new delas and coupons we posted in one spot! No new posts that day, no email!

Couponing Etiquette
A crucial piece of the couponing puzzle tp ensure your success is to conduct yourself with what I like to call "couponing etiquette"! Just as you would conduct yourself with a certain level of professionalism if you were running a business, you want to bring that same courtesy and self-control to your couponing.

You will probably come across those that feel the need to take entire tear pads of coupons, or clear shelves of tons of stuff they dont need, and probably wont use, but take special care to conduct yourself in such a way that you show non-couponers that we're not all like that!
Here's some main rules I like to keep top of the list...

1)No Shelf Clearing--This is kind of the golden rule of "kind couponing". Yes, you may be making $2.00 on each of those shampoos you're buying, but do you really need 30?! Take into consideration those that may be counting on that overage to help provide that week's groceries to their family...or those who just want that shampoo!
Personally, I like ot make a habit of leaving any extra coupons behind as well. It not only leaves product available, but others get to share in the savings! And who knows, you may convert a coupon critic!

2)Don't take the whole tear pad!--If they wanted you to have them all, they'd mail them to your house! Tear pads are in store's for all to share, so take a few, and leave the rest for others. My rule of thumb is after I've taken 3 or 4 the first time around, if I'm in the store a few days later and they're still there, I'll take 3 or 4 more. This way, everyone has a fair chance at snagging some great deals! And if no one else wants them, I'll gladly partake...3 at a time;)

3)Share The Love--This can be on many different levels. Help others is the main theme here! If you teach someone else how to coupon, you're local grocer isnt going to suddenly run out of everything on sale! Share the savings, and it'll come back to karma!
If you find a great deal, tell others about it. Click the CONTACT button and let me know so others can take advantage of it, or post it on our Facebook page! Nothing bad will ever come from sharing:)

4)Be considerate of other patrons--If you've ever done a larger couponing shop, you know that as much time and energy as it takes to plan and physically shop for, it can be even more time consuming at the cash. Please be aware of other patrons and considerate of their needs.
Even if you only have 7 items, if each of those items has a coupon with it, dont get in the express line, because chances are your transaction will be less than speedy!
I like to check out what the person behind me is purchasing, and if I have a coupon that will save them some money, SHARE THE LOVE! Not only will they potentially start to see the value in coupons, but try getting upset about someone taking forever at the cash when they just handed you $2.00:) Sneaky...but effective!

5)Use your couponing powers for good, not evil!--DONATE!!! I cant say this enough, if you find a great deal, like those "start the car!" sort of deals, DONATE SOME! There are many people in need of simple necessities, and if you have figured out how to get it for pennies, or even FREE, share it!
We all want to have those fully stocked, neatly organized stockpiles. But lets be real, no one needs 78 deoderants!! Don't be shy to share your finds with friends and family, help them save through your couponing, there's no need for it to all stay with you. Provide for your family, then help others provide for theirs!

Follow these main 5 rules, and your kindness will come back around! It's positive coupon karma!

I hope that this helps those that are starting to coupon, and maybe refreshes some memories of those more experienced! If you have suggestions or tips to add, please let me know on Facebook, or click the CONTACT button and send me a message!

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